Contributing Writer l Chicago, IL
Described as well-spoken and bubbly, Nisha learned first hand what it means to recreate oneself. From introvert to extrovert, she has learned to alter the way she communicates with the world. Nisha has been interested in psychology since she was young. She loved to read people and figure out what motivates them. “The brain is so fascinating in the way that not one individual will react the exact same way as another. The complexity and open-endedness of psychology is mysterious yet comforting, and these components incessantly fuel my interest.” With the intention of bringing happiness to others, Nisha seeks to create positive change by becoming a clinical psychologist in order to help shift the way society perceives mental health. The intelligence, diligence and compassion of her parents has motivated her to strive for greatness. When I asked what was her favorite place she replied: “My favorite place in the world is wherever my family is.” She was born in Michigan and was raised in Granger, IN. She attended Loyola University Chicago where she attained her B.S. in Neuroscience. She is currently enrolled in a doctoral program at Midwestern University to become a clinical psychologist.
“My philosophy is to be kind to all, always. I believe there is good in everyone, but some need time to find that inner goodness. The world is a fascinating, extremely complex place, however, I believe humans inhabit this world to help one another. Each of us hold so much energy that could be used for such good; When combined that positive energy has the potential to create peace and harmony on a global scale. I believe that human beings are here to strive towards the goodness and use our positive energy to reach an external and internal sense of happiness.”